I would like to wish the Catholic Church, Christians a very blessed and happy Pentecost Sunday. Thank you for the completion of the Easter Journey as I continue to pray and ask for God to surround us with love and increase of presence in our hearts, minds and all the we seek and desire forContinue reading “PENTECOST SUNDAY 2024.”


Related Reading: With Love & Kindness! 🇺🇸✝️❤️

¡Feliz Día de la Madre 2024!

I would like to wish everyone that celebrates Mother’s Day in Spain on May 6th 2024, a very happy and blessed Mothers Day! Me gustaría desear a todos los que celebran el Día de la Madre en España el 6 de mayo de 2024, ¡un muy feliz y bendecido Día de la Madre! Happy Mother’sContinue reading “¡Feliz Día de la Madre 2024!”


For Indigenous People’s Week (August 7-11, 2023) I would like to share the following image / video of me with our Bougainvillea flowers. Especially as a reminder of the agreements from the Organization of the American States. The flowers on my head are iconic to the legendary Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo. The flowers can beContinue reading “INDIGENOUS PEOPLES WEEK.”


I would like to take the time to congratulate the Florida Panthers Ice Hockey team for their Game 1 win against the Carolina Hurricanes. While I know that the road to the Stanley Cup 2023 is still in-progress. I wanted to document the Florida Panthers win that took place on the 18th of May 2023,Continue reading “QUADRUPLE KISSES!”


I would like to express my gratitude to Senior Senator for Florida Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee for your recent trip to Ecuador. I am proud to support and welcome your efforts, especially to continue to strengthen strategic partnerships in South / Latin America. Ecuador is a country withContinue reading “AMERICAN AND ECUADOR RELATIONS.”


As I was taking the time to reflect upon what to share for the commemoration of Black History Month 2023, I wanted to acknowledge individuals who take the time to mark, share and acknowledge remembrance and commemoration of this month. While as leaders it is our hope that such kinds of remembrances evoke the humanContinue reading “BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2023.”

ANGEL’S READING AND REFLECTIONS, a historical visionary prediction??

As I was taking the time to reflect upon a few key ideas that sparked my interest in Chapter 6 entitled: “Sugar’s Revolution” from the book entitled: “An American History, Cuba” (Ferrer, 2021), I appreciated to learn of Cuba’s first female novelist: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda (Ferrer, 2021, p. 72). I also reflected upon herContinue reading “ANGEL’S READING AND REFLECTIONS, a historical visionary prediction??”


On January 1st 1804 the Independence Day of Haiti was proclaimed. Haiti is a country in the Caribbean that was originally claimed as Spanish territory by Christopher Columbus in 1942 and known as Hispaniola. For this years Independence of Haiti I would like to share the image of Cathedral Notre-Dame that was considered as oneContinue reading “INDEPENDENCE DAY OF HAITI.”


Entrenched in the World of Islamic Pirates, Catholicism, Spanish explorers and conquistadors, I was reflecting upon the sugar, ginger, jewels, gold, silver mines, that were found in Hispaniola, Cuba and New Spain (Gibson, 2014, p. 70). I wondered has everything been discovered? What if there was still so much to find and discover in theContinue reading “CURIOUS NATURE.”