Please join me to wish the Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla a very happy birthday!! Mr. Tesla was born on the 10th of July 1943 and was most famed for his electrical, mechanical engineering, and especially the Alternating Current (AC). The AC possesses the ability to create electrical currents that change / shift in various directions.

I appreciate this invention especially as we think about the everyday electric appliances that are utilized for our daily living such as a fridge, stove, electric kettle and so forth, or even a laptop that requires electrical charging for portable use, or a wifi modem that needs to be plugged in. While appliances are created for enhancing human living, it is important to note the health, safety procedures, hazards, cares and concerns that arise.

I have always reflected upon electrical currents, electricity, especially as we think about the human heart and what is known as the Cardiac Conduction System.

Learning of Mr. Nikola Tesla’s inventions reminded me of Mr. Elon Reeve Musk, FRS., and the inspirations of Tesla, that are clearly noteable from the name, product, design, electrical components of the Tesla car. I am quite sure the Mr. Musk is greatly inspired from Tesla’s inventions?? I am proud to see have been carried forth and developed. Especially as Mr. Tesla worked with Mr. Thomas Edison. During Tesla’s life-time he pronounced the possibility of wireless communications, that we see are are alive and well upon this day. Clearly he was ahead of his time with pioneering inventions, and among the revolutionary thinkers!! Thank you!

Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla!!!

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With Love & Kindness! 🇺🇸

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