The memorial services of 9/11 can produce an emotional response / reaction, that sometimes we also are not prepared or ready for. As per previous writings: this is quite normal and natural. But what I find the missing part is: taking the time to tend to this emotional response. The “missing” part can simply happen because: as humans we become busy with our lives, or simply become busy so that the pain and hurt is overlapped with the present tasks at hand. This too is quite normal, but it is only a temporary guise / fix, because feelings associated with trauma and pain will gather in the body, manifest in many ways. Including the productions of physical pain. Which is where we are called to find: gentle moments of slowness, create time and space to cultivate negative emotions into something positive if possible.

Dedications and thank you: I would like to dedicate these words to the recent opening ceremony of the new Perelman Performing Arts Center (PAC NYC) that took place in Lower Manhattan, New York, NYC, on September 13th 2023. With the presence of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum Chairman Mr. Mike Bloomberg and the 57th Governor of New York Kathy Hochul. Congratulations and thank you for all your kind, generous words during the formal opening ceremony.

I only just learned of the PAC NYC from X (twitter) posts. I appreciate the creation of an artistic creative space. I look forward to the PAC NYC contributions and developments in the arts. As well as embraced by the community of New York, and all who desire to visit. I also imagined this center as a place where political debates, dialogues or guest lectures / talks could happen. But then I wondered should this space become political? As I wondered about the arts associations with politics? And how this space could convey elements to support serenity, calm, to uplift and inspire the human spirits??

The above picture was taken by me looking at the One World Observatory in New York on May 22nd, 2017 at 1:13pm. This was the first time I ever saw the One World Observatory tower, located with the 9/11 Memorial and now the PAC NYC Center. As you can see the pink is the rim of my umbrella. Thank you.

Image 1 – Link

Notes: These thoughts were originally hand-written on the 18th of September 2023 approximately 2:30 pm. All views and opinions are my own, thank you for your readership.

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