I would like to wish the 44th President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II a very happy Birthday. Mr. Obama’s birthday was on the 4th of August. Happy Birthday!!

I wanted to include your birthday wishes upon my website especially as I remember that you were President at the time of my visits to Washington DC., USA. I did walk around The White House. I loved to see the vegetable garden at the back of the White House. On my first visit, you did hold a public event during my stay. Which I hoped to attend, but due to unforeseen circumstances I was held back… Upon my second visit I remember that you were visiting with her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As I collected the newspaper story from Washington, DC. I am proud of your Presidency and think that Presidents of all skin-color should gain the same-kind of respect as you did, to note the critical role of public media +/- to develop a presidency.

The above picture is a night-time view of The White House that I took. While I was here there was a candlelight vigil taking place for the victims of bloodshed in Kashmir, Pakistan, that I was very surprised to see.

Thank you for your service and a very happy birth-day, weekend and week. 🙂

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